Clint Eastwood Print from Galerie Prints
Free Spirit - Enigmatic and enduring Portraits
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Shaken Not Stirred Print by Peter Ruck
Roger Moore Print from Galerie Prints
Jean Shrimpton In Evening Dress Print by John French
Portrait of Italian Singer Luigi Tenco by Pietro Pascuttini - B/w Photo - 1960s 1960s
Portrait of Bruce Springsteen by Neal Preston - Vintage B/w Photo - 1985 1985
James Dean by Earl Leaf/Michael Ochs
Bjork Print by Steve Double
Self Portrait - Oil on Masonite by Paulo Ghiglia - 1937 1937
Portrait of a Nude Woman - Early 1900 - René François Xavier Prinet - Drawing Early 20th Century
Marilyn in the black dress looking at you 2007
Portrait of Francis Picabia - Original Photograph by Man Ray - 1935 1935
Ginger Rogers & Fred Astaire Print from Galerie Prints
Portrait of Woman - Original Ink and Watercolor Drawing by Paul Bonet - 1930 1930
Woman with Black Mantel - Ink and Watercolor Drawing by F. David - 1949 1949
Portrait of Woman - Pencil and Charcoal Drawing by H. Yencesse - 1951 1951
Collection of two vintage photos by Studio Orlay de Karwa - Photo 1900 ca. 1900 ca.
Portrait of Bruce Springsteen by Neal Preston - Vintage B/w Photo - 1985 1985
Bert stern Marilyn laughing in the famous Dior dress 2007
Dorothy Lamour Print from Galerie Prints
Portrait - Pencil Drawing by Pierre Daboval - Late 20th Century Late 20th Century
Portrait of Odalisque - Oil on Canvas by Giovanni Costa - 1858 1858
Portrait - Original Oil on Canvas by M.A. Boss - Early 20th Century Early 20th Century
Audrey Hepburn Poster by Hulton Archive
Sophia Loren Print from Galerie Prints
Portrait of Lady - Original Oil on Canvas by Carlo Socrate - 1930 1930
Portrait - Pencil and Charcoal Drawing by H. Yencesse - 1950s 1950s
Portrait of a Girl Oil on Canvas by Pedro Ribera, 1904
On the Set of Giant by Frank Worth
China Girl Print by Alain Le Garsmeur
Unknown, Portrait of Young Giuseppe Garibaldi, Oil On Copper, 19th Century
Portrait - Original Watercolor Drawing - Late 20th Century Late 20th Century
Sketched Portrait - 1910s - Original Collotype Print by Gustav Klimt 1919
Portrait of Giuseppe Garibaldi
Portrait of Old Giuseppe Garibaldi - Chalk, Charcoal and Oil Pastels - 1880 1880
Full Portrait of Aretha Franklin - Vintage B/w Photo - 1960s 1960s
Windblown Jackie, 1971
Henry Grossman, Portrait of Robert Kennedy, Original Photo, 1968
Female Portrait - Oil on Canvas by Venitian School - Early 17th Century 17th Century
Peasant with Cabbage - Oil on Canvas by French Master 18th Century 18th Century
Composition - Original Monotype on Cardboard by Valerio Romagnoli - 20th Century 20th Century
Child Portrait - 1910s 1919
The Beach - Original Oil on Canvas by Anastasia Kurakina - 2018 2018
Portrait of Woman - Oil on Wooden Panel by Antonio Feltrinelli - 1930s 1930s
Portrait of Woman - 1970s - François Chapuis - Pastel - Contemporary 1971
Sketch for a Portrait - Original Ink Drawgin by Alexandre Dumont - Late 1800 Late 19th Century
Portrait Of Lady With Hat - Pastel and Felt on Paper - 1970s 1970s
Portrait - Original Pastel Drawing by Leo Guida - 1967 1967
Portrait of Maria Montessori by Studio Vasari - Vintage b/w Photo - 1940s 1940s
Portrait of Ted Kennedy - Press Photo by Ron Galella - 1960s 1960s
Portrait of Woman 1914
Portrait of Woman - Original Charcoal and Watercolor Drawing by F. Chapuis-1970s 1970s
Portrait of Woman - Original Charcoal Drawing by Unknown French Artist - 1800 19th Century
Male Portrait - Pencil and Charcoal Drawing on Paper by Paul Garin - 1950s 1950s
Portrait of Boy - Pencil and Pastel on Paper by J. Dreyfus-Stern 1930s
Portrait of Mrs. Yvonne Santiago by Georg Walter Rössner
007 Catches Ursula Print by Hulton Archive
Ursula on the Beach Print from Galerie Prints
Sophia Loren Print from Gallerie Prints
Jazz Print by Harry Hammond
Soft Helmets Print by John French
Bronx Teenagers Print by Alain Le Garsmeur
Marilyn Portrait by Baron
Lunch with Paul Newman Print from Galerie Prints
Lunch on Fifth Avenue by Keystone Features